Research of processes of competition transformation of national economies under act of the crisis phenomena
competitiveedges, transformationofeconomy, competitiontransformation, statesupport, competitiveness, directforeigninvestmentsAbstract
Forms and methods of increase of competitiveness of national economies are investigated in the article. The role of the state is represented in the process of transformation of national economy. The orientation of direct investments is reasonable for the economy of the states with the different level of development of economy. The location of international scientific and technical exchange is determined in the process of competition transformation of national economies. The analysis showed that the most promising countries on investment investors allocate such: China, USA, India, Brazil, Russia, Britain, Germany, Australia, Indonesia, Canada. The most vulnerable in reducing FDI investors allocated such regions: North America, EU-15, South and East Asia, Southern and Eastern Europe, CIS, Latin America, the EU-12 (new members), Western Asia.References
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