Diplomacy as a factor of development of foreign economic cooperation
public diplomacy, social diplomacy, Internet, Twiplomacy, twiplomats, social networks, soft power, smart powerAbstract
The present article indicates that diplomacy is being transformed before our very eyes. Its structures, methods and forms of organization are changing in response to the new challenges. Classical diplomatic model implying exclusively state-to-state interaction becomes one of the numerous aspects of the modern diplomatic activity. The article provides analysis of the factors that have led to revival of the term of public diplomacy. It examines the evolution of the meanings of public diplomacy since the early 20th century up to the present time. The authors analyze the influence of the modern information technologies (the Internet, social networks) and the media on the development of diplomacy in general. The features of digital diplomacy development being a part of public diplomacy are presented as well. The research emphasizes the fact that public diplomacy is a vivid example of applying soft power in international relations, being also applied in the context of smart power. The researchers provide Ukrainian translation equivalents of the English term of public diplomacy and offer the most correct choices for their application and use. Public diplomacy greatly influences economic relations among states, promotes positive image of one state in another, attracts investment, establishes strong ties in business communities, makes interstate economic contacts more predictable and developed.References
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