Organizational and legal instruments of investment activity application in Ukraine


  • G. Bardakova Департамент інвестиційно-інноваційного розвитку і зовнішніх відносин Донецької облдержадміністрації


foreign economic activitiy, export, import, investment activity, foreign investment, regional, socio-economic development


Directions of the regional foreign economic relations activation are discussed in the article. The estimation of the dynamics of foreign trade, commodity and geographical structure of exports and imports of Donetsk region is given. This analysis led to the conclusion that the main partners of the region in 2013 were the CIS countries, Europe and Asia. As in previous years, the field of foreign trade turnover with the countries of Africa, America, Australia and Oceania have less significant momentum. Given these factors, Ukrainian export potential has in its structure a narrow base and a low level of processing of export goods nomenclature. Instability of the financial and banking system of Ukraine and the lack of effective reforms in privatization of state property caused precipitation trend Ukrainian currency earnings of exporters abroad, primarily in the offshore areas, which adversely affected the ability of the capitalization of Ukrainian export-oriented enterprises. Identified Means to improve of foreign economic activity of the region, parts of the investment activity mechanism, including economic, organizational, sectoral priorities, etc. are identified.

Author Biography

G. Bardakova, Департамент інвестиційно-інноваційного розвитку і зовнішніх відносин Донецької облдержадміністрації

к.е.н., доцент, директор


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