Economic risk enterprises of the tourism sector.
economic crisis, economic risk, risk-management, tourism organisations, tour operatorAbstract
The purpose of this paper is an approximation issues concerning economic risk management in enterprises operating in the tourism sector in the conditions of economic crisis. First discusses the essence and functioning of the enterprises of the tourism sector and its importance to the
economy. The next step is a discuss of the main factors of economic risk faced by the tour operator activities. The aim of this paper is to highlight some of the risks and decisions that could affect the tourism industry. There are many risks that may affect, to a certain extent, the tourism industry or the short-term profitability of firms, which in turn leads to undesired results and discourages managers of the tourism industry. This paper provides an invaluable opportunity for the establishment of risk management information sharing networks which can be supported and endorsed by tourism organisations and associations within a destination. On-going development and information exchange should be a key outcome of this paper.
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