Enterprises with foreign investments in the region: state regulation.
direct foreign investments, enterprise with foreign investments, government control, regionAbstract
The article is devoted to research of theoretical aspects of government control of development of enterprises with foreign investments in a region. There is no doubt that the inflow of foreign capital accelerates the economic growth. Foreign investment provides valuable foreign exchange which is the desperate need of the developing economies. Offered approach on forming of the system of adjusting of development of enterprises with foreign investments, that must have two levels: republican and regional. This makes it possible to eliminate the deficiencies and prevent new potential contradictions. The "center of gravity" is recommended here to move to the regional level. It is reasonable, that perfection of existent mechanism of government control of development of enterprises with foreign investments in a region, will allow to increase a foreign cash inflow in the economy of the Grodno region, and also will promote efficiency of operating enterprises.References
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