Features and directions to increase the efficiency of functioning of the technological parks in Ukraine as a tool of intellectualization of the national economy.
intellectualization economy, innovation, scientific and technical activities, innovative activity, innovative design and technological parksAbstract
The article elucidates the history and development of technological parks in Ukraine. We conducted the analysis of the innovative activity of technological parks in Ukraine during the 2000-2012, examined the trends of their development based on international experience. We outlined the main problems and barriers to the development of technological parks and we proposed directions of solution. The main causes of decrease of the results of the technological parks’s innovative activity in Ukraine for the last time was determined. We considered the state policy to assist with economic benefits and preferences to implement innovative projects by the technological parks in Ukraine. We determined the influence of state policy on social and economic results of technological parks’s activity. Suggestions were given for improving the organizational and economic mechanisms and regulatory and legislative base for implementation of innovative projects, which regulates the activity of technological parks to strengthen competitiveness and increase the level of the intellectualization of Ukraine's economy.References
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