Regulation of structural transformations and capitalization of industry in the developed European countries


  • S. Gavrilenko Донецький національний університет
  • M. Solod Інститут економіки промисловості Національної Академії Наук України


structure, industrial production, capitalization, EU, structural transformations, industrial policy


The article discusses the problems of adaptation of industrial structural transformations and capitalization experience of the European Union countries to the domestic conditions. The role and place of the industrial sector as a basic factor of the EU national economies growing are determinates. The features of structural constituent of the industrial policy of European Union on the whole and separate countries-members of EU are considered. On the example of Germany the principles and mechanisms of adjusting of industrial sector structural transformations are considered. Influence of the structural policy measures on industrial enterprises capitalization is investigated. Priority directions of modern intergovernmental industrial policy within the framework of European Union, which provide growth of competitiveness and increase of industrial enterprises capitalization are considered. Directions of adaptation and application in the process of domestic industrial policy improvement of the developed European countries experience in the field of structural modernization and increase of industrial sector capitalization are determinates.

Author Biographies

S. Gavrilenko, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри “Розвиток та розміщення продуктивних сил”

M. Solod, Інститут економіки промисловості Національної Академії Наук України

к.е.н., старший науковий співробітник


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