International the movement of factors of production, as a reflection of the global economic system
international trade, factors of production, labour productivity, international labor migration, economic system, innovative economyAbstract
The article discusses theoretic-methodological fundamentals of the causes and consequences of the international movement of factors of production in the system of the formation of the global economy. The leading theory of international trade from the aspect of international labour migration. The model of the international movement of production factors. The article discusses theoretic-methodological fundamentals of the causes and consequences of the international movement of factors of production in the system of the formation of the global economy. The leading theory of international trade from the aspect of international labor migration. Observed that existing teorìes international trade reflektion as the difference in productivity makes EM to specialize in activities that DM is not beneficial in themselves, develop. Proposed by the original model of the international movement of production factors, which the international movement of labour considere dwith two aspects: first of all meinstreem, which is connected with two-way industrial capital and it regulated, and the so-called "escape drain", which does not provide for oncoming traffic capital and is subject to the request of the economic system of developed countries.References
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