Creativity and culture as prioripies of sustainable development security.
sustainable development, security, culture, institutions, creative potential, supercreative potential, carcass of region, talent indexAbstract
The article outlines the institutional framework taking into account the culture and creativity for sustainable development security. Shown defining the role of culture to stimulate socio- economic growth and development of creative potential. Deterministic notion of creativity and creative potential, determined that in today's human resources is an important competitive advantage of forming the basis of the state, the region, and the effectiveness of capitalization resource potential socio-economic system depends on the quality of creative potential. Correlation between the level of cultural development and performance of the institutional environment, analyzes the dynamics of global talent index. Grounded priorities Strategic planning for sustainable development of the territory forming the frame and mechanisms capitalization creativity outlined areas to improve public policy on human capital formation in order to ensure sustainable development security.References
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