National economic systems in the context of globalisation: reappraisal of the state’s role.


  • D. Zhukova Департамента экономики Донецкой облгосадминистрации, Донецкий национальный университет


globalisation, national economic system, state, market failure, the Washington consensus, the Beijing Consensus


in ideas about the appropriateness of state regulation of the economy and analyse the peculiarities of their implementation in the context of globalization. In particular, the article presents the basic principles of macroeconomic policies that underlie the Washington and Beijing Consensuses and correspond with models of liberal market economy and planned market economy. Particular attention is paid to the objective laws of economic development and reformation in the PRC as the most striking and successful example of modern planned economic system. Besides, it analyses the distinctive features of coordinated market economies, which are becoming increasingly common form of modern market economy and combine the market mechanisms with the active position of the state. The ways of minimizing the negative effects of economic liberalization and, in particular, foreign economic activity, with help of instruments of state regulation are offered.

Author Biography

D. Zhukova, Департамента экономики Донецкой облгосадминистрации, Донецкий национальный университет

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