Conditions Formation and Functioning system of transport and lohystycheskoho center in the city of Mariupol
transportation, transportnaya system, logistics, freight lohystycheskyy center, transport lohystycheskaya system designAbstract
This article reviews the main transport problems, including deficiencies of existing systems delivery. Under the conditions of underdevelopment of transport and logistics infrastructure performance and efficiency transport complex is reduced. Hence the high relevance of problem solving aimed at developing transport and logistics infrastructure, in particular in article explores the basic conditions for the formation of a regional transport and logistics center in Mariupol, as an integral and key component that enhances the efficiency of the transport sector Ukrayiny.Rozhlyanuto economic and geographical conditions of the formulated main purpose of the task and the development of regional transport and logistics center and its main function. Organizational - economic mechanism of Mariupol regional transport and logistics centers, regional transport and logistics system, which includes legal, economic and informational elements within the system whose interaction with the environment and provides efficient functioning of ITC and socio -economic development of the region 's transit. Definitely efficiency of transport and logistics center by calculating key indicators. A sequence major stages of the transport and logistics center. The main results of the study is to develop a methodology and its use by regional and municipal governments in decision making for the development of transport and storage infrastructure that level.References
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