Substantiation of necessity and management system formation directions towards investment-innovative provisioning of enterprise economic security in real sector.
economic security, investment-innovative provisioning, real sector, management system investment-innovative provisioning of economic securityAbstract
Тhe article highlights the existing approaches of the concept definition “investment-innovative provisioning management system” as a component of economic security subsystem as well as the importance of investment-innovative process in the context of economic security provisioning in real sector. The characteristic peculiarities of management system of investment-innovative provisioning of economic security in real sector are analised; the legal framework formation for investment activiti provisioning is stated to be the basic of the investment-innovative provisioning system of economic security in real sector; the major tasks of investment-innovative process of management system is identified; the influence on the state regulation objects of investment-innovative activity which are to be the state investments, investment activity conditions and the inspection for all the investors and participants of investment-innovative process is outlined; the principal conditions on which the state regulation mechianism of investment-innovative activity is based have been singled out; working out of efficient scheme related to the investment-innovative provisioning of economic security in real sector has been suggested. Thus, more investment resources can be attracted to economy and investment development is supposed to be stimulated on condition of economic security criteria are folloved.References
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