The modeling of the shadow economy for social and economic development of the region.
shadow, socio-economic development, modeling, shadow economy, economic relationsAbstract
Еxpansion models of the relationship of the shadow economy and socio-economic development (taking into account external and internal externalities, the dynamics of the human development index, the supply curve of shadow economy, the market «gray goods» rational consumer behavior «gray goods» complex functions) that made it possible to generalize the nature of the relationship of the studied elements and demonstrate the need to use different tools to maximize the macroeconomic effects of socio-economic development, depending on the type and conditions of economic and strategic targets of the country. Grounded ratio of positive and negative effects of the shadow economy, depending on its size, which allowed to reconsider the conclusions of theoretical and applied the provisions of state regulation of the shadow economy problems and propose a model of interaction between underground economy and socio- economic development. Also illustrated is the traditional approach to policies against shady products as a trend accelerating socio-economic development, resulting in a simulated process of raising the price of goods due to restrictions shady deals.References
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