The global dimension of TNCs. Relations multinationals and national states in global economy.


  • O. Mikhailov Мариупольский государственный университет


TNC, state, world economy, relationships, the host country, transnational activities


The article discusses the interaction of TNCs and states in the global economy. The questions of the impact of TNCs on host countries is the basic direction of the influence of TNCs on the world economy. Multinational companies and their activities are growing, not only quantitatively but also qualitatively affect the global economy in the context of globalization. Transnational capital can often act contrary to the national security of the countries, destroying the country's statehood, impacting negatively on the political and economic situation in them. Creating competition for national states, TNCs can have a negative impact on the development of national business, opposition from national economies. National economic system, developing transnational activities, aims two main objectives: to attract the capital necessary for the development and expansion of its own policy on foreign markets. Due to its organizational structure TNC firmly strengthened their position in the world economy. TNC, with its huge capital penetrated not only in the economic life of the countries - partners, but also in political life, supporting certain parties and directions. TNCs pursue their economic, financial, commercial, technological and at the new stage and political - social interaction between the two countries. TNCs fundamentally changes the picture of the world and, therefore, without this it is impossible to study processes in modern economic relations.

Author Biography

O. Mikhailov, Мариупольский государственный университет

соискатель научной степени кандидата экономических наук кафедры международной экономики


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