The role of government in regulating the German economy
regulation of the economy, federal economic policy of Germany, the Federal Government of Germany, Market Council of State Bodies, the Council of Financial Planning, the Planning Committee on the Regional Economic StructureAbstract
The paper examines the role of public authorities in the regulation of the German economy. It has been determined that the following governmental bodies and institutions primarily play a key role in the regulation of the German economy: the Federal Government of Germany, the Market Council of State Bodies, the Council of Financial Planning, the Planning Committee on Regional economic structure, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, the Federal Bank of Germany, the Science Council of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, the Advisory Council for the Assessment of the Macroeconomic Development, the Federal Cartel Office and the Federal Employment Office. They contribute to a large-scale and multifaceted implementation of modern concepts of the federal economic policy of Germany aimed at protecting the interests of German manufacturers in domestic and foreign markets, the creation of the general economic conditions for free competition and open markets, the promotion of trade liberalization, support and development of small and medium enterprises, improving the investment climate, creating conditions for the implementation of structural reforms in different sectors of the economy.References
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