Bilateral agreements like an instrument for liberalization of external economic policy of a state.


  • M. Nikitina Таврический национальный университет имени В.И. Вернадского


bilateral agreements, economic integration, European Neighborhood Policy


The article examines the peculiarities of modern bilateral free trade agreements. The practice of such agreements between the EU and Eastern European countries showed their role of an intermediate step on the way to European integration. At the same time it is necessary to distinguish between the processes of regional agreements formation and formation of agreements on the opening of markets. The dedicated conceptual differences between them allow exploring bilateral agreements outside the context of economic integration. In modern conditions bilateral agreements become an instrument for liberalization of external economic policy of a state, stimulation of economic growth and overcoming non-tariff barriers to market access. The factors contributing to the growth of bilateral agreements and their advantages relative to the multilateral negotiation process are noted. The features of this tool within the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy are considered.

Author Biography

M. Nikitina, Таврический национальный университет имени В.И. Вернадского

д.э.н., д.геогр.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой международной экономики


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