Using non-standard forms of employment in the labor market and the analysis of their consequences.
employment, labor market, outsourcing, staff leasing, agency work, freelancing, unionAbstract
The article discusses the implications of using such forms of employment as outsourcing and staff leasing outstaffing, studied the positive and negative aspects of the influence of non-standard forms of employment in the enterprise. Based on the analysis grouped intra risks, and the next important problem - reducing the loyalty of staff employed by another company. Clarify the role, types and features of the "contingent labor" in the labor market, where there are thousands of companies of various sizes. Developed the implications of non-standard forms of employment for workers in state enterprises output for full-time employees, as well as trade unions and trade union organizations. Analyzed the main features of standard and non-standard employment relationships, vyevleny all their negative sides. The article highlights two main types of temporary employment - contracts for the execution of tasks and fixed term contracts, as well as ways to disguise the temporary work.References
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