Analysis of the use of basic resources in agriculture Brest region
land, labor resources, the basic resources of agriculture, efficiency of productionAbstract
Agricultural production is one of the most important sectors of the economy, which depends on the state of the country's food security. Agriculture has a number of features that define the business processes in this area. The main types of resources in this area are land, labor and logistics. Since land is the basis for crop production, part of which goes to education fodder for the livestock industry. The functioning of these sectors is not possible without the use of human labor, and without the use of various means and buildings. On the nature and efficiency of agricultural production can be measured by analyzing the use of basic resources. Because it can identify problems in the industry, as well as determine the direction of its development and reserves. The article is an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of land, labor and material resources of agricultural production of the Brest region of Belarus.References
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