Globalization of the economy as a stage of the economic activity internationalization development
integration, regional integration, globalizationAbstract
The article examines scientific and methodological bases of research on integration development at global and regional levels. It defines the international integration process with its micro and macro components; determines the characteristic features of international integration. Considering the nature of integration process and the peculiarities of its development in modern circumstances, the author describes the stages of internationalization and determines its final result as global integration. The research claims that development of globalization processes result in considerable increase in the volumes of external trade, scientific and technical exchange, capital and labor force migration, formation of the planetary communications system. Economic integration is proved to be an objective process of internationalizing the national systems of certain states. This process is being implemented based on similarity in levels of economic development and geographic proximity of the integrating countries which have common economic, political, environmental and other problems that can be solved within an integrated union based on international division of labor and protection of economic interests of independent businesses.References
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