Economic co-operation of Ukraine and WTO: the modern stage
international trade, Worldwide trade organizationAbstract
Development of international trade testifies that one of consequences of globalization and internationalization of world economic processes is the gradual washing out of verge between internal and external adjusting of international economic exchange. At the same time there is an unitization of rules and norms of adjusting of international exchange commodities and services. The qualificatory line of the modern stage of development of economy of Ukraine is her transformation character. In turn, socio-economic transformation implies engaging of the state in the system of мирохозяйственных connections. Active voice in the field of international economic relations needs to our country for maintenance of stable and dynamic development of productive forces and providing on this basis of height of standard of life of population. Organic part of this process is participating of Ukraine in the system of Worldwide trade organization. In-process проанализированн experience of co-operation of Ukraine and WTO and выявленны perspective directions of collaboration.References
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