Free economic zones in globalization conditions – as motivation for activation of investment activity and tools for increasing of competiveness of regional economy
globalization, internationalization, free economic zones, global economy, innovation, competitiveness, investment attractiveness, national market and infrastructureAbstract
It was investigated free economic zones with a breakdown of world tendencies connected with globalization of world tendencies and internalization of economic relations in this article. Forms, methods and means of creation and functioning of free economic zones in the world and Ukraine were considered. The author has put an emphasis on investigation of free economic zones, as manner of international cooperation and tool that enable to increase economic potential of different regions and country as a whole, including diversify the economy of mono-cities of Donbass. It was emphasized that free economic zones, these international economic formations, have global character and practically cover all world countries. It was shown that integration of whole regions into system of world economic relations and Ukraine can’t stand separately from these processes. It is substantivated, that full value functioning of free economic zones is able to increase the economic potential of the territory, to saturate the inner market of high quality production, to implement into national production up-to-date scientific technical developings, to increase an employment of population and to solve many problems of regional policy by way of creation of specific plots for economic growth. However the relating terms are necessary for that. It were given recommendations for set of actions conducting both on state and regional levels.References
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