Institutional mechanisms for enhancing competitiveness based on innovation integration.
global economic system, geoinnovation cluster, innovative integration, competitiveness, innovation system, innovation potentialAbstract
The results of the study revealed feasibility of innovation based integration based on author’s concept of geoinnovation clusters that are similar in terms of innovation potential group of countries and their national innovation systems within the global economic system. It is shown that belonging to a certain geoinnovation cluster must to be taken into account in determining the areas of international innovation based integration of geographic and product diversification of exports, international cooperation, ways to participate in regional and global production and logistics chains. A proposal for an institutional mechanism for mutual innovation based cooperation in international integration groups, in particular the BSEC, CIS, EurAsEC etc. in the form of international innovation alliance to create a foundation for the innovative common space based on a qualitatively new system of innovative communications.References
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