Тhe basis of the regionalization of the world economy
global integration, regional integration, regionalization of the world economy, integration association, regional trade agreementAbstract
The article dwells upon scientific and methodological bases of research on integration development at global and regional levels. It examines the genesis of the theories of regional economic integration and conceptual approaches to research on regional development. The main features of globalization are determined as well. The author analyzes modern peculiarities in development of economic integration and defines the main tendencies in forming the regional structure of the world economy. It is established that two trends (global and regional) have developed in the international economic integration process. The research also describes spatial changes in the world economy in conditions of global regionalization. The main regions of the world are viewed and analyzed as subsystems of the world economy. Specific features of involvement of the world economies into the processes of regional integration are determined. The article examines organizational and methodological bases for the development of regional integration models and determines the vectors of continental and transcontinental integration models. The author develops modern approaches to integration development strategies in terms of global regionalization based on optimal consolidation of unilateralism, regionalism and multilateralism.References
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