Transformation of Foreign Economic Relations of the enterprises of Donetsk region in the context of diversification of the regional economy


  • A. Anisimov Донецкий городской совет


foreign economic relations, diversification of regional production complexes, transformation windfarm


Diversification of the economy of the East of Ukraine is one of the priorities of the regional development strategy and testing new mechanisms of territorial marketing. Diversification is a key focus of the restructuring of industry, application of new technologies in order to increase the investment attractiveness of the region and improving the competitiveness of products. While existing strategies sufficiently take into account the role of non-industrial sectors namely in the region of structural modernization in general. The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations and proposed recommendations in the transformation of WPP companies Donetsk region in the context of diversification of regional economic complexes. Investigations have revealed that the high level of scientific and technical capacity concentrated in the east of Ukraine, retained insufficient realization of finite industrial innovation in the manufacturing sector. At the same time, priority and technology parks for the Eastern region and the Ukraine in particular defined and actually existing legal vacuum, regulatory innovation.

Author Biography

A. Anisimov, Донецкий городской совет

начальник главного экономического управления


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Официальный сайт Государственного комитета статистики Украины. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:


