Innovative activity of agro-industrial enterprises as a factor of increase of its competitiveness
innovations, competitiveness, investments, economic environment, efficiencyAbstract
state of innovative processes in Ukraine is conducted, established that one of the main problems of innovative development is deficiency of means of the state and the enterprises. Classification of the main groups of problems in this sphere depending on their character (financial, organizational and communication, information, production, market) is developed. The actions for support of innovative activity are offered on each of the allocated groups. Dynamics of innovations introduction on industrial the enterprises of Lugansk area in a section of types of innovations is analysed. It testifies to some improvement of indicators of innovative activity of the enterprises in 2012 in comparison with 2011. Expediency of transition to innovative model of development of agrarian and industrial complex which is possible only on condition of real increase in investments into fixed capital of agriculture, in technical and technological modernization, production updating, improvement of quality of production is established. Actions for improvement of innovative activity of the agrarian enterprises of Ukraine which is based on development of new production technologies and new production are developed.References
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