Credit and investment flows and debt: economic dualism.


  • S. Borisovа Донбасская государственная машиностроительная академия


debt, investment flow, credit facility, foreign exchange reserves, external debt, international monetary and financial institutions, the monetary system


The article analyzes the current trends of movement of credit and investment flows and debt. Considered key factors further dynamics of foreign exchange reserves of Ukraine, as well as the dynamics of external debt of Ukraine. The main reasons for the growth of public debt in Ukraine, including the need to increase foreign exchange reserves to ensure the stability of the national currency; significant amounts of budget deficits, dependence on energy imports, the need for technical re-equipment of most sectors of the national economy. Concluded strengthening Ukrainian sovereignty debt, improving its credit rating and international reputation can be achieved by enhancing the debt management process as a mandatory attribute of public finances.

Author Biography

S. Borisovа, Донбасская государственная машиностроительная академия

к.э.н., доцент кафедры «Финансы»


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