Evaluating the effectiveness of implementation of the innovative outsourcing by enterprises of the construction industry.
innovative outsourcing, performance evaluation, construction company, added valueAbstract
In this article a study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative construction companies outsourcing, which found that companies use an evaluation technique based on the principle of "outsourcing costs should be less than the expenses of own units." The Balanced Scorecard (BSC), which is a tool for strategic and operational management that allows you to link strategic objectives to current business operations, as well as to conduct ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the strategy adopted, was proved to be an effective method of estimating the effectiveness of implementation of innovative outsourcing. For a quantitative evaluation of innovative synergies was adjusted the technique of analyzing the economic added value associated with the activities of an integrated scientific - production association, which consists of the customer company and the pool of developers in the field of innovation (research network). It is proved that the criterion of economic added value is one of the most effective methods of assessing cash flow formed within the enterprise, as well as an indicator of quality of managerial decisions.References
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