Economic uncertainty and the investment process: the socio-economic dimension
instability, uncertainty, inflation, unemployment, investment activityAbstract
In this paper we explore the concept of economic instability and uncertainty. The basic indicators of macroeconomic instability in Ukraine such as unemployment and inflation . Analyzed the unemployment rate in Ukraine for the last thirteen years, the inflation rate from 2000 to 2013, the index of growth of foreign direct investment . Special attention is paid to the cumulative performance data to more globally assess the economic condition of the country over the past 10 years. The correlation of macroeconomic instability, inflation and unemployment, investment activity. Also considered the world ranking of instability and a special place in Ukraine and its index in this rating . Separately studied the effect of economic instability and uncertainty as to the investment process itself, andindividual subjects . The main factors of uncertainty and the interaction of these three related concepts as "instability", "uncertainty " and " investment activity ".References
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