Analysis of the major trends of innovation development of TNC in the global economy.
innovation, TNС, globalization of the economy, research and developmentAbstract
This article analyzes the major trends and directions of development of the activities of TNCs in today's globalized and innovation-driven economies. The main factors of growth and the efficient functioning of business entities in the global economic landscape were considered, trends which are necessary to maintain the competitiveness of TNC in international markets in global innovation development were identified. Article analyzes the main characteristics of innovation as the driving force in the global economy. The rankings of the most innovative companies in the world were analyzed to determine the main directions of development of the global innovation environment, the classification of sectoral affiliation of the largest TNC were researched. The factors affecting the efficiency of business processes in terms of innovation were explored. The research of patents, licenses, technology and "knowhow" market of TNC shows its role as the main factor in the innovative development of the world economy and considers reasons for deceleration of this market.References
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