The using of foreign experience of employment of youth as factor of ensuring labor market balance
youth, labor market, employment of youth, grant, creation of workplaces, state orderAbstract
Article is devoted to studying of opportunities of adaptation of foreign experience of youth employment to domestic conditions. Negative consequences not solutions of the problem of youth employment (unemployment growth, decrease in a standard of living; distribution of passive, independent and destructive models of behavior; intensity of migrations; psychological changes) are allocated. The analysis of problems of youth employment on a labor market of Donetsk region is carried out, activity of the youth centers of work is studied. On the example of the leading countries of the world (Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, the USA, Japan) approaches to ensuring effective youth employment are studied. On this basis actions for assistance of youth employment are offered. They are formation of the reasonable state order for training of skilled workers and experts, creation of marketing services of educational institutions, providing support of an enterprise initiative of youth, economic incentives of employers which employ (or training) as graduates of educational institutions, introduction of a program and target method of management by professional education.References
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