Venture investment of the national economy of Ukraine.


  • M. Rusakovа Донецкий национальный университет


business venture, venture capital fund, venture financing, innovative model of the economy, venture capital investments, market co-investment, innovation, technology park, a business angel


The article analyzes the current trends of international business venture in Ukraine. Determined that attractive business venture for entrepreneurs receiving additional capital for development and expansion of the company and the investor, for which the correct choice of the investee final financial result significantly outweighs the potential risk. Based on the analysis suggested ways of improving business venture in Ukraine: improving the legislative framework, the development of clear medium-and long-term programs with a description of measures for the development and support of small business, innovation, state participation in venture funds or allocate funding directly to small firms, to develop an effective system intellectual property protection, activation of the secondary stock market, financial support in the form of block grants, as well as tax incentives for research and development.

Author Biography

M. Rusakovа, Донецкий национальный университет

аспирант кафедры «Международная экономика»


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