Foreign direct investment as a factor of growth of gross domestic product and enhancing economic development.


  • O. Svidrak Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія


foreign direct investment, gross domestic product, the correlation coefficient, regression analysis, the dynamics of economic growth, the linkages, macroeconomic indicators


The article analyzes the dynamics of attracting foreign direct investment and gross domestic product over the past 11 years. Proved that in the majority of the analyzed periods increase in foreign direct investment in Ukraine has led to the growth of GDP except only in 2009, when foreign direct investment compared with the previous year increased by 4.54 %, and Ukraine's GDP fell by 3.66 %. Determine the form and characteristics of the link between foreign direct investment and gross domestic product of Ukraine and concluded that the relationship between the indices studied there - it is straight and tall, but the calculated regression equation requires clarification and additional calculations to identify other indicators of impact on productive indicator.

Author Biography

O. Svidrak, Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія

асистент кафедри "Фінанси"


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