Multipolar integration as a tool for foreign economic security of the state.


  • L. Sivolap Маріупольський державний університет


foreign security multipolar integration, multilateralism, trade, openness of the national economy, globalization, partner country, foreign trade


The article analyzes the levels of development of external economic relations of Ukraine, Russia, Germany (EU country), Turkey. It is proved that for successful integration into the world economy and optimize the structure of foreign economic relations is important to identify ways to ensure positive dynamics of key macroeconomic and foreign trade indicators in comparison with other countries. Calculated the proportion of leading partner country in total foreign trade on the example of selected countries. As proved by the analysis, it is necessary to significantly reduce the supply from Russia to Ukraine and expand its range of products and services for export in order to reduce the threshold of a threat of economic security of Ukraine. Concluded that in choosing priorities multipolar integration policy should take into account the importance of national interests and benefits for Ukraine.

Author Biography

L. Sivolap, Маріупольський державний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки та фінансово-економічної безпеки


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