The International Labor Interactions in the Conditions of Post-industrial Economy.


  • K. Takhtarova Донецький національний університет
  • O. Kushnarenko Маріупольський державний університет


In the article underline, that becoming of postindustrial type of economy comes the forward tendency of the modern stage of world development, the main signs of post-industrial economy are given; noted that in the conditions of post-industrialism the subjective factor of a social production is transformed to a human resource; labour force is certain as one of key resources of economy; underline, that the intellectual human level becomes the base of social structure; established that on the world labour market the need for highly skilled workers increases, especially in the countries which are in a post-industrial phase of economic development; the objective necessity of entry of countries in the system of international labour cooperations is certain; emphasized that the directions of inclusion of the countries in system of the international labor interactions are defined not only need for highly qualified personnel, but employment structure in world economy; the intellectualisation process of world development is certain as an aspect of his innovativeness.

Author Biographies

K. Takhtarova, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., старший викладач кафедри управління персоналом і економіки праці

O. Kushnarenko, Маріупольський державний університет



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