Improving the management mechanism of the competitive potential of the industrial enterprise.
industry, competitiveness, capacity managementAbstract
The paper analyzes conditions for improving the competitive capacity. Systematic approach to identify, organize and analyze all components that make up the possibilities of competitive capacity allows us to formulate a scientific and methodical approach to the competitiveness. Considered administrative aspect of determining the level of competitive ability of the enterprise potential from the standpoint of implementation possibilities basic management functions. The main areas in this act : planning, organization , implementation , control and coordination. Definitely need for systematic diagnosis and monitoring of competitive capacity, which provides information on the status and possible the most efficient use of capacity over time and determine not only the direction but also the feasibility of competitive strategy. The place of monitoring indicators that reflect the level of competitive ability of the enterprise potential and evaluate the information for relevance, accuracy and value of the resource as an opportunity to implement a competitive advantage. Identify opportunities for system weak signals is a foundation of proactive management of the competitive potential of the company.References
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