Mechanisms of formation of state policy for stimulating technological development of transnational companies


  • G. Turalina Донецький національний університет


technological development, technology policy, multinational companies, innovation, market economy


In the article the author investigated the mechanisms of public policy to stimulate technological development of transnational companies. It is proved that the technological capabilities - a very important aspect in considering TNCs. Technological and innovative capabilities are closely related and depend on the process of policy. Technological enterprise policy - a set of principles and actions on the basis of which are developed and introduced new products and processes. Noted that the main risk of centralized technology policy is the result of innovations that may not accurately reflect local market needs. Determined that the place and role of innovation policy in the structure of state regulation of the economy determined by the peculiarities of the innovation process as a control object. This fact is quite clearly seen in the controlled market capitalist economies. TNK usually do not provide the technology in a competitive market situation, and the government did not always able to ensure that full employment is reached.

Author Biography

G. Turalina, Донецький національний університет

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