Determinants competitive advantages of clustering economy
competitive advantage, region, economic development, cluster, clustering, globalization, competitiveness, territorial-production complexAbstract
In the modern terms of development clusters become the effective instrument of development of national economies and increase of national competitiveness. The article deals with the important and topical issues of clustering as a form of areas priority development, based on public-private partnership in order to promote the competitiveness of economic entities. There are made theoretical synthesis and analysis of the functioning of regional clusters in the world and Ukraine. Under a cluster it offers to understand the territorial localized, isolated group of enterprises, that combine formal independence and internal competition with co-operation, aim of functioning of that consists in realization of competitive edges of territory and achievement of synergetics effects from the associate functioning. Concludes that the operation of the cluster in certain areas provide opportunities for effective regional government bodies interaction with businesses, a better understanding of its features, provides a focused strategic planning the use of resources of the region and its development.References
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