Theoretical basis of objective scientific - technological development of world economy
innovation, globalization, competitiveness, innovation strategy, the global economy, scientific and technological development, innovation development, investment and innovative activityAbstract
Theoretical and methodological approaches of the formation of the modern paradigm of scientific and technological development of the world economy are considered. On the basis of conducted a critical analysis of classical and modern scientific thought on the theoretical foundation of innovation and set the key determinants of socio-economic characteristics of the industrial and post-industrial societies. Analyzed the performance of the analytical measurement neoekonomik formation (knowledge economy) on various methodologies - OECD, WEF and the World Bank. The characteristic trends of innovative development of Ukraine, which is determined on the basis of the strategic priorities of the state innovation policy. The comparative analysis of the Global Competitiveness Index rankings for innovation factors and made a generalized conclusion about the motion of Ukraine for the growth of competitiveness.References
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