Innovative component of the region's competitiveness


  • A. Shishatskiy Донецька обласна державна адміністрація


competitiveness, region, innovation, Global Competitiveness Index, rating, region's competitive advantages


The article investigates the direction of formation of the innovation component of regional competitiveness. Classification of techniques of evaluation of the competitiveness of the region, as well as rating the regions of Ukraine in 2013 on the results of studies of the Fund "Effective management" on the methodology of the World Economic Forum. As a result, leaders rated the competitiveness of regions of Ukraine in 2013 were large areas with good infrastructure and the higher education system is technologically prepared, business development and infrastructure for innovation. The author analyzed the dynamics of the Global Competitiveness Index Donetsk region, its components in 2012-2013. Thus, compared with 2012 in 2013 Competitiveness Index constituents improvement was observed for items such as technological readiness, health and primary education, innovation, higher education and training , the deterioration of the position - in the level of market development, infrastructure, institutions, market efficiency goods and labor market. Rating examined regions of Ukraine in terms of total cost of innovation in the industry in 2012. It is proved that the complex activation of competitive advantages of the region can be achieved through the implementation of regional cluster policy.

Author Biography

A. Shishatskiy, Донецька обласна державна адміністрація



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