Selected aspects of economic instrumentation concepts connected with removal of the capital


  • V. Bosnenco Національна академія внутрішніх справ


capital flight, capital outflows, a threat to economic security


The article is devoted to category-conceptual apparatus in case of disclosure of capital export problems. Based on the preliminary results of the study of terms explored by various economists, defined and specified the economic tools of the concepts of «outflow», «outflow» and «capital flight in modern conditions and provision of correct assessment of these processes. It is substantiated that capital flight is a massive and rapid removal of private capital in order to save it, carried out, despite of advantages of domestic investment, mainly by illegal means. Determined that the specific features of the capital flight from Ukraine's transition from a command to a market system of regulation of economy is the duration and scale of this phenomenon. Presents classification terminology the concept of «export of capital» and characterized the basic forms of its implementation. Drawn conclusion, that escape of capital is the phenomenon of other character, what export or outflow of capital, has other nature and it is caused by the sharp intensifying of the economic, social and political crisis phenomena in society.

Author Biography

V. Bosnenco, Національна академія внутрішніх справ

здобувач кафедри економічної безпеки


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