On the role of water resources in the world economy.
water resources, the global economy, a source of energy, technology, population density, natureAbstract
Voloshin V., Babenko A. On the role of water resources in the world economy. The article describes aspects of the impact of water availability on the global economy as an important element of economic development. It is determined that if the hydrocarbons play only energy source and may have alternative replacement, the water is not only a technological raw materials or equipment in the production activities. In economic terms, water consumption is a very important technological problem because, despite the huge reserves of water, its fresh component is located on the planet is highly uneven . And almost always inversely density of population and its environmental impacts. Concluded that the loss of reproductive function of some body of water gives the most important effect of the acceptor for the economy. Lost savings on pure water intake. Additional costly mechanism linked to the need to clean the outside water before using it. For such systems, there is a new economic factor (effect) positive feedback, aimed at strengthening the production system depending on water consumption. It is standard that a decision aimed at extensive water consumption due to the receipt of what is missing in the system - external clean water. But when it does not, the economic system forced secures water scarcity , which already features the system itself can not change . The decision may be in the super-system , under which it is possible to understand the economy of higher rank. But even there , in extensive water consumption over time any positive feedback. A way out may be a quota scheme of water resources, which are within the economic system and outside it. Such schemes are discussed by many scholars. Only not taken into account the fact that the positive feedback effect in " water-using " economic systems have a more devastating impact than, for example , some financial , credit and other mechanisms , destabilizing the world economy.References
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