Investment component of tourist-recreational branch of Ukraine economic safety


  • L. Goroshkova Запорізький національний університет


tourist-recreational branch, investment, economic safety, cyclical of development, management of development


In work the carried out research of condition of the investment making economic safety tourist-recreational branch of Ukraine. The effective mechanisms the management of investment processes, as by a basis of sustainability development of branch also is carried out. Is proved, that among the factors, which influence investment processes in tourist-recreational branch probably to allocate the following: the prices for hotels and restaurants, service of culture and rest; a level of the incomes the population and size of a tourist flow in the country. On the basis of the received results the presence cyclical of change, both resulting parameter, and allocated factors of influence is established. Is proved, that the management of duration of small reinvestment cycles on a background of an intermediate-term cycle of development of a national economy and branch opens additional opportunities for maintenance of conditions of intensive development of the tourist-recreational complex of Ukraine. It is possible to use presence lag in rates of growth of volumes of the investments and indexes of the prices on tourist services, during management of investment making economic safety of Ukraine tourist-recreational branch. The periodic character of change of a resulting parameter, with which is dynamics of the investments in tourist-recreational branch, and factors, allocated with us, of influence: the prices for hotels, restaurants, service of culture and rest; a level of the incomes the population of the country and size of a tourist flow in the country, testifies to presence of an opportunity management of efficiency of investment process on the basis of temporary lag. This lag exists in dynamics of changes of parameters of a resulting parameter, which investment potential of the tourist-recreational branch, and factors of influence is. In view of that among the factors of influence there are as more independent from a position of enterprise influence parameters, and wholly controllable by the state, use of opportunities of simultaneous state and private managing influence can be the determining factor of maintenance of economic safety and constant development of tourist-recreational branch of the Ukraine.

Author Biography

L. Goroshkova, Запорізький національний університет

д.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту організацій та логістики


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