External debt: definition, structure, and sources of indicators.


  • L. Kapranovа ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»


deficit, debt, public debt, external debt, domestic public debt


The article describes various approaches to the definition of the scientific community spirit external debt. Significant state budget deficit makes it necessary to mobilize additional financial resources. Determined that the public debt - the amount owed by the state to its creditors, the bulk of which is almost always external debt. Given the dynamics of the relationship public and publicly guaranteed debt to GDP and its critical value. Noted that internal and external debts have become an integral part of the financial system in most countries. The cause of the rise of public debt and a permanent deficit of the state budget. The essential problem of the debt policy of Ukraine in recent years is the excessive use of government external debt capital, causing destabilization of the public finances. Is a series of indicators of external debt, which you can compare the state of the external debt of different countries. Given the existing methods of public debt management. Concluded that no country in the world can not do without foreign borrowing. The main part of the raised through loans is spent on current expenditure budget. To finance development projects are only used funds from international financial institutions and foreign banks. The external debt of some of the leading countries of the world is much higher than the GDP of these countries. For efficient use of external public borrowing is necessary to build sound macroeconomic and fiscal - fiscal policy , to create a stable political situation in the country.

Author Biography

L. Kapranovа, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економічної теорії


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