Interdisciplinary nature of financial investigations.


  • S. Lepsky Національна академія внутрішніх справ


financial investigations, financial control, economic security


The article analyzes the point of view of scientists about the place, role, content and the subject of financial investigations among other branches of knowledge. Compare concerning the subject of financial investigations and financial control, economic security and economic theory. Definition of key concepts. It is substantiated that it is on the basis of knowledge and practice on the use of economic knowledge and information in combating crime possible is the development of effective methodologies for the identification and fixing of the financial component of organized criminal activities, their implementation into the system of combating crime, in particular in activity of law enforcement bodies. It is marked that in the system of knowledge «financial investigations» enter conformities to law of criminal activity, financial mechanisms of feasance or financing of crimes, concealment of source of profits. Exactly on the basis of these knowledge possible is development of effective methodologies of exposure and fixing of financial constituent of the organized criminal activity, their introduction in the system of counteraction to criminality, in particular, in activity of law enforcement authorities.

Author Biography

S. Lepsky, Національна академія внутрішніх справ

здобувач кафедри економічної безпеки


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