The process of globalization: theoretical and methodological approach to comprehensive evaluation


  • T. Medvedkin Donetsk National University
  • Yu. Kinchevskaya Donetsk National University


globalization, sources of globalization, KOF Globalization Index


This article analyzes the process of globalization and global transformations. Globalization is seen as a powerful real aspect of the new world system and it represents one of the most influential forces in determining the future course of the planet. In this article the theoretical and methodological basis of the concepts of globalization are viewed. The main sources of the globalization are researched. Evolution of the interaction of the world economies in globalization process and business transnationalisation is presented. Main definitions of the notion ‘Globalization’ in chronological order from the 1974 are found. The term globalization has been widely used to describe the increasing internationalization of financial markets and of markets for goods and services. In general understanding globalization is the growing integration of economies and societies around the world. Based on the KOF Globalization Index dynamic of the process of globalization in the world and in Ukraine from 1991 to 2010 was analyzed. The article also provides the analysis of the globalization affect on the three kinds of markets.

Author Biographies

T. Medvedkin, Donetsk National University

Doctor of Economics, Associate professor, Professor at department of International Economics

Yu. Kinchevskaya, Donetsk National University

Post-graduate student


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