The educational component of the "knowledge triangle" in decent work
knowledge, decent work, innovative economy, values, education, employment, educational migrationAbstract
The article investigates the assessment of changes in the level of satisfaction with the of representatives values system of educational institutions and academic areas of the Western region of Ukraine with the positions of decent work state definition of employability and real employment of graduates of Ukrainian universities in the context of decent work as justification educational migration and academic mobility of students with respect to prospective decent employment. According to the results of the study the importance of improving the education system in Ukraine, improving the quality of educational services in order to create conditions for further decent employment of college graduates are proved. The necessity of actions coordination of the subjects of labor and educational markets the further development of infrastructure, innovation economy through deepening cooperation in the triad " University - Science - Business", the creation of regional specialized organizations support innovation - technology parks, business incubators, technology firms etc. are proved.References
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