The economic security of Ukraine in the context of integration and interaction.


  • V. Soloviev Донецький національний університет


economic security, trade, integration cooperation, economic policy, foreign security, global economic processes


The article defines the strategic direction to ensure the economic security of Ukraine in the context of integration and interaction. Determined that the primary goal of economic security in general and its foreign economic component is the identification and anticipatory response to threats aimed directly against the national interests of the country and its subjects of foreign economic activity. In modern conditions, growth of the global interdependence of countries, despite some regulation of economic relations, there is stiff competition not only between individual producers, but also between national economies. The necessity of state regulation of foreign economic activity in terms of economic security. Concluded that in order to ensure the economic security of Ukraine is advisable to develop and adopt an annual State program of foreign trade.

Author Biography

V. Soloviev, Донецький національний університет

аспірант кафедри «Міжнародна економіка»


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