Technological component of the trade between Ukraine and the CEA countries.
high-tech export, raw orientation, technological development, intra-branch trade, inter-branch balanceAbstract
It is defined that the modern market of high-tech goods is a very important segment of the international market. Countries able to produce and export high-tech goods occupy leader positions on this market segment and have high level of economy competitiveness. Ukraine’s share on this segment is about 0, 1%. The Ukraine’s export structure is analyzed and it is defined the dominance of raw resources in it. The biggest buyers of Ukraine’s resources are the EU countries. As to high-tech products export, the biggest importers are the CEA countries. It is defined that economies of Russia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine are close by the level of technological development. It is given integrated intra-branch balance of the CEA countries and Ukraine which helped to analyze technological component of trade between the CEA countries and Ukraine. The CEA countries consume up to 10 % of general volume of Ukraine’s production. It is defined that the level of mutual trade of high-tech goods between the CEA countries and Ukraine remains high and it allows saying about an opportunity of using these relations for insurance of stable growth of these countries’ economies.References
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