Innovative features of integration management companies in operating systems of ebusiness
strategy, operating system, internet, electronic business, market, integration, production, electronic commerceAbstract
Generalization of theory of the existent operating systems and practice of their application is conducted in entrepreneurial activity on the basis of possibilities of technologies of electronic business. Dignities and lacks of three basic operating systems are certain: the master production schedule (MPS), material requirements planning (MRP), enterprise requirements planning (ERP). Electronic business must be oriented on a management processes, but not on the function of enterprise grounded in this work. Passing of enterprises to application of technologies and methods of electronic business must be accompanied passing to the processno-oriented management. In fact, both electronic business and management processes for modern enterprises are directions of improvement of management an enterprise. The retentive factors of development of electronic business are indicated in Ukraine. Electronic business begins to be beyond automation of biznes-processov and directed, in a greater measure, on a management and optimization of methods of conduct of business. In essence, electronic business helps more effectively to use resources in competitive activity. Therefore he must be examined not simply as an innovation, but as new organizational form of conduct of business which is instrumental in transformation of the economic systems. Coming from that global character and market conditions have today's economic changes saturated many transients, technologies of electronic business are a major instrument for development of economy on the whole. Theoretical and practical recommendations are developed on the improvement of management integration of domestic enterprises in the operating systems of electronic business. Offered ways of management integration of enterprises in the systems of e-business through their combination with the internal informative system of enterprise of class of ERP.References
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