Evaluation and improvement of investment activity of enterprises


  • O. Volodko Полесский государственный университет
  • L. Volodko Полесский государственный университет


investment, assessment of investment projects, electronic document management system “Evfrat”


This article evaluated the investment activities of the enterprise. The measures to improve the investment activity: the formation of goodwill and public image of the company, redesigning the system of management of investment projects. In order to increase the investment attractiveness of РС "Pinsk Experimental and Mechanical Plant" invited to the event to increase goodwill. To optimize the performance of the investment projects of РС "Pinsk Experimental and Mechanical Plant" invited to reengineer the process of investment projects. In order to implement an investment project for the implementation of electronic document management system «Evfrat» performance indicators that provide a glimpse of the high efficiency and profitability of the project. Proved that successful businesses in the long term, ensuring high rates of development will be largely determined by the level of investment activity and the extent of investment activity.

Author Biographies

O. Volodko, Полесский государственный университет

доцент, кандидат экономических наук

L. Volodko, Полесский государственный университет

доцент, кандидат экономических наук


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